Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Old books

I'm studying on the fifth floor of the HBLL, on the northeast side next to the Fine Arts section. I'm minding my own business, being productive and writing a few papers and these two books are staring at me. Its a penetrating stare. Representative Painters of the XIX Century, published in 1899, and Dictionaire Historiqu Des Peintres, published in 1866. I want to take them off the shelf and rustle through there pages, and handle something that old. How exciting! Its a very enticing proposition. That's the biggest distraction I'm facing right now. Chris Koontz just found a book printed in 1806....We need to find a new place to study.

1 Comment:

Dave said...

I'm sitting in American Heritage rading a blog called "Toffler's Adhocracy" and thinking to myself, "it's a sad thing when getting an education gets in the way of learning." (Tell me that doesn't fold in on itself like a military mattress.)

I say, read up Todd. Whatever you want.