Sunday, April 6, 2008

We're Young Again!!!

Rob, Tawni and I went on a walk this afternoon around the river. Rob and I were talking about how long its been since we've seen our really good friend Taylor Zmoos, who is still in Canada speaking chinese on his mission. The last time I personally saw him was right after my 19th birthday, he flew out to my house in Scottsdale, AZ and we kicked it for a week before I went on my mission. So I threw around some mental calculations and thought i figured out that it would be around 4 1/2 years before we see eachother [tear]. I told these calculations to Rob. Upon repeating the number outloud, doubt creeped into my mind. Had it really been this long? I asked Rob, 'Hey, cous, how old are we?' Response: "22 cous." And like finding $20 in your pocket or scoring a free meal at your fav restaurant, I was instantly a year younger!!!

For some reason the topic of how old I am has been popping up in an abnormal amount of conversations of late and I've been responding '23 of course!' But, due to clerical errors and having friends that are all in their mid to [gasp] late 20's, I've been wrong lo these many months.

Ohh to be young again...Well atleast for today we are!!