Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Health of renewed sense of writing.

Everyday I read CNN for my daily dose of worldly news. Todays cover page featured an article about the health benefits of Blogging. In the interest of personal health and social satisfaction, heres todays blog.

Writing about health, I'd like to mention in blog my schedule, which was planned, for my day yesterday.

This is the schedule from my iPhone.

Tuesday, May 6th.

9.30 AM Running [With Casey]
10.30 AM GYM
12.00 PM Argentine Food at the Tango House [State St. and Bulldog]
1.25 PM Pool and Tan
3.00 PM Detail Boat [MasterCraft X45. We're going boating on Thursday]
7.15 PM Softball Game [Supposed to be City League but we went to the Intramural Game]
9.00 PM Laser Tag at Laser Assault for Lauren Lefevre's Birthday party
11.55 PM Take out the Trash

The retired life at 22. Geez. Get a job.